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Volume 10 Issue 1 2024

Effect of Collective Entrepreneurship on Financial Inclusion Among Cooperative Members in Osun State, Nigeria
Hits : 90

Taiwo Olabisi Abdulahi, Ibrahim Mohammed Gaddafi, Oforbuike Francis Nwachukwu

Over the years, both concepts of collective entrepreneurship and financial inclusion have been separately studied without a single effort to establish a significant relationship between the two concepts. The researchers were able to identify this existing gap and determined to bridge this gap with their work. This study establishes a link between collective entrepreneurship and financial inclusion among members of cooperative societies in Osun State. A multistage sampling technique was used to obtain data from 864 members of CICSL in Osun state. Data obtained were analyzed with descriptive and analytical statistics models. Results from the data analyzed revealed that the result descriptive statistics obtained established a positive and strong relationship between collective ownership of cooperative enterprise and members' usage of loan facilities. Evidence from the result also revealed that a correlation coefficient of .857 with a probability (P) value of 0.024 indicated that there is strong evidence that a positive relationship exists between collective ownership of enterprise and how often or how many times the cooperative members use loan facilities of the CICSL. Collective ownership of enterprise strongly influenced financial inclusion especially the usage of loan facilities. Then the cooperative members should jointly pool their resources together to diversify their investments and identify the innovative business enterprises that are economically viable. This will enable the cooperative society to have multiple sources of income (surpluses) which will also facilitate financial inclusion among members especially access to loan facilities; and regular use of financial products and services as well as the quality of financial services.

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