For Authors
  • Peer-reviewed
  • Print ISSN:
    Online ISSN:


Manuscript Submission
Authors are invited to submit full paper not been published elsewhere or submitted to another conference. All submission will be peer-reviewed based on originality and technical quality. Authors should use the template provided to format their paper. All paper must be prepared in English.This journal uses double-blind review, which means that both the reviewer and author identities are concealed from the reviewers and vice versa, throughout the review process.

Frequency of Publication : 3 issues per year
  • April
  • July
  • December
Cost of Publication
Publication in this journal is free of charge.

The list is a guideline but not limited to the following topics:
  • Entrepreneurship and innovation for educators
  • Entrepreneurship and Globalization
  • Entrepreneurship and Knowledge Management
  • Entrepreneurial Thinking and Traits
  • Entrepreneurship Education
  • Entrepreneurship Psychology
  • Marketing
  • Economics
  • Finance
  • Operation Management
  • Retailing
  • Accounting
  • Other entrepreneurship related areas

Format of Paper Submission
A. Format on paper submission
  • MS Words
  • Font size : 11
  • Font : Timer New Roman
  • 1.15 spacing
  • Top and bottom 1 inch
  • Left and right 1.25 inch
AEJ Template
B. Length
  • 5000 words - 10000 words
C. Submission

    All submissions must be sent to the Managing Editor at

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ASEAN Entrepreneurship Journal (AEJ)